SparkPost Integration
SparkPost only requires two steps to setup! Read here to learn how.
How to Embed a Form
There are a few ways to embed your GrooveMail Forms in websites: Javascript, Raw HTML, and GroovePages Elements.
How to Forward Form Responses
The term "Recipients" refers to individuals who can receive messages from your GrooveMail account. This is helpful for forwarding details from forms to outside emails.
Adding a Welcome Message to Forms
In the "Welcome Email/SMS Settings" area, you have the option to send a welcome email or SMS to people who join your list through the form.
What is a Success URL?
The Success URL is the web page where subscribers will be redirected after opting in through your form
Understanding Form Opt-In Settings
In the "Opt-in Settings" area of your form setup, you'll find the choice between Single Opt-In and Double Opt-In. What is the difference?
Start a Sequence with a Form
Sequences are a series of automated emails or messages sent to your contacts over time. You can trigger a sequence from a form being filled out.
Adding Lists & Tags to Forms
Lists and Tags can be an essential part of how your form works. Learn how to add them here!
Customizing Form Fields
The core of what a form actually is comes down to the Form Fields. These are things that are selected or typed in by whomever is viewing the form.
Adding GrooveMail Forms to GroovePages
Any form you create in GrooveMail, can be easily added into GroovePages sites.
Using Form Actions
Once you have built some forms in GrooveMail, a drop-down menu will be available next to each for Actions.
Adding Affiliate Links to Emails
You can easily add affiliate links to an email using both the professional and simple email builder in GrooveMail.
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Using SendGrid in GrooveMail
Integrating SendGrid as an SMTP Driver with GrooveMail requires 2 steps which can be found in detail here!